
    How Do You Correct Supination?

    Supination is another word for under pronation. It refers to the movement of your foot rolling outward at your ankles as you walk or workout. While some supination is natural, excessive Supination can be a result or reason for many foot problems.

    If you have developed excessive pain or discomfort due to Supination, it is time for you to acknowledge and address it. This will help you reverse or prevent any damage to your tissues. Please note that people with high arches are especially prone to developing Supination.

    In the case where you suffer from under pronation when you walk, you may gradually begin to notice aches and pains in your arch, heel, and even your back and knee. This is due to the additional pressure your body is put through due to the abnormal gait cycle. If you leave it untreated, you could potentially develop foot issues like plantar fasciitis, sprained ankles, and more.

    The treatment of Supination can vary from correcting your gait cycle to resting your feet adequately. Another more important thing that can help you is switching to supportive and responsive footwear! You can click here to find a list of recommended shoes for Supination.

    Different Methods to Correct Supination:

    We have mentioned multiple methods, and treatments below that can help you correct your Supination before it becomes a massive foot problem for you! Scan through and choose the one treatment measure (or a combination of several) that works the best for you.

    Wear the Right Shoes Along With Ankle Supports

    If there is one thing that plays the most crucial part in correcting your Supination is your shoes. If you wear shoes that are adequately supported, they can help you keep your foot appropriately aligned and provide support to your ankle, arch, and heel. High-impact activities like running or sports can encourage the development and exacerbation of Supination, but you can counter it by wearing proper footwear.

    Shoes that fit your feet like a glove are the type you should look for to correct Supination. These shoes need to be comfortable, and shouldn’t feel tight around the length or width of your feet. We suggest footwear that is both thick and flexible, which provides you with a protective base against impacts walking moving around.

    Did you know your feet never stop growing throughout your lifetime? This means you will not be stuck with the same shoe size your entire life. Keep this in mind every time you switch to a new pair of shoes and correlate measurements. Also remember to pick the evening time for shoe shopping, which is when your feet are the least swollen.

    Stretch Stretch Stretch!

    People who have very tight Achilles tendons are known to be prone to Supination or under pronation. But why is that? This is because when your Achilles tendon is tight, it will restrict the motion of your foot. This will lead to your body, making adjustments and your gait cycle paying the final price. This can be changed by performing a couple of stretches for your Achilles tendon, hamstrings, calves, and even thighs for flexible and stronger ligaments!

    Your lower-body is like an eco-system! Yes, you heard it right. When you injure one specific part of your lower-body, for instance, you end up putting excessive strain on the rest of it. This can be fixed or prevented by regularly stretching your tendons and ligaments both before and after an exercise. This makes it possible for you to correct your gait.

    Rest & Relax The Feet

    What are the most significant risk factors when it comes to foot issues? It is the repetitive stress they go through! If you haven’t paid attention to your feet int he longest time, take a moment to check in with them. Feet overuse has been linked with many strain, inflammation, and micro-injuries that can slowly damage your overall lifestyle. When you put pressure of your body, it puts its entire focus on your gait cycle and overcompensates by adjusting it. This can create problematic gait!

    If your Supination is a result of overuse feet, then the first thing you need to do it kick back your feet and relax. Quite literally. Increase your resting period between sporty activities, and try to avoid high-impact activities on a back-to-back schedule. You have to give your feet enough time to recover and breathe.

    Warm-Up and Cool Down

    When you follow a routine of warming up and cooling down along with your exercises, you might be able to correct your Supination problem. However, we do understand how this can be easy to forget or seem like an inconvenience to most. But please remember that it is the small steps toward feet health that will get you back on your feet. These steps include proper stretching so that the tissues in your feet are prepared before you exert them.

    If your hunch is that walking or moving around is contributing to your underpronation or Supination, then we suggest you get your gait tested. This can be done at any nearby running shop. This service is very valuable and almost always free of charge.

    Use Orthotic Inserts

    You will find many orthotic inserts that have been clinically-proven and backed by Podiatrists. Inserts like Heel Seats have been proven to be very useful in dealing with Supination and providing relief from the constant ache. The added benefit of using orthotic inserts is that you can also manage your plantar fasciitis pain and heel spurs with them, which are often a result of your Supination.


    In the case you are looking to correct the excessive Supination in your feet, we suggest you pick up treatments that revolve around stretching, cooldown/warmup, and providing efficient support through shoes. Do not underestimate these changes on face value. They may seem simple to you, but they can have a drastic change in your foot health and decrease foot-related injury. All of these practices will help you recover your natural and balanced gait, which is aid into your activeness and health! 


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