As you age, there becomes a time where many men realize their love for their hair has come to an end. Balding is extremely popular among many older men, but that doesn’t mean it has to negatively impact your life, self-image, and how you live your daily life. Instead, accepting hair loss should come with a sense of positive change and challenge to maintain your appearance.
A great transition for newly balding men (or those who are continuing to tweak their habits), is working on their grooming routines. These everyday activities are the easiest way to keep yourself looking fantastic and feeling good. With that said, check out our best tips for balding men:
1. Shave your head
For many men, balding patterns can be noticed pretty early on in the process, so being proactive about how you’re going to deal with it will make it easier for you to style yourself. Spotting these patterns early in life can sometimes make it harder to cope with, from an emotional and self-image standpoint. So, a great route to take is to shave your head and avoid getting a difficult haircut.
Visiting your local barber and explaining your desires can make the process that much easier, and can help you create an entirely new look you never thought was possible. Plus, recent studies have shown that shaving your head can lead to a sense of empowerment and increased confidence.
If you’re looking to take shaving your head into your own hands, you’re going to want to be extremely cautious with your approach and tools you use. Shaving during or after a shower is the best time as your hair follicles are loose and easier to cut. Depending on the length of your hair you may have to use different products (trimmers vs razors). Be sure to be selective and don’t be afraid to ask a barber or doctor what will work best for you.
2. Grow a beard
Although the hair on your head may be gone, that doesn’t mean you need to sport a completely hair-free face. Growing facial hair is a great way to switch up your look and provide you with the element of hair you may be looking for. It can be a great way to inject some new details to your facial structure that can make you stand out.
The first step in working in a new facial hairstyle is finding the perfect one. There are tons of different mustache and beard styles that you can pick and choose from, and this is your chance to get creative and inject a little personality into your facial appearance. Check out different facial hair guides online to weigh your options and see what may look best on you.
Similarly to the hair on your head, choosing top shaving products to craft your facial look will give you the best results. Depending on the style you’re aiming for, different razors paired with pre, and post-shave protective products are things you should be conscious about as you get ready to upkeep your beard.
3. Extend your skin routine
Just like the skin on your face, your smooth skin atop your head needs the same amount of TLC. The best way to make your skin routine worthwhile is to balance the three categories of cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing. Starting with cleansing, it’s best to find a cleanser that is gentle to your head. Many experts say you can even use moisturizing body wash to clean your scalp. Products that contain moisturizer will aid in preventing irritating your hair follicles and drying out your skin.
Moving onto exfoliation, this is the point of your skin care regime where you kill the dead skin cells that sit on your head. Experiment with different exfoliators and apply them a few times to see instant results. Apply them and scrub in a circular motion in order to clean properly and keep your skin looking as fresh as possible.
Finish with moisturizing; this is the best way to keep your scalp skin looking hydrated and nourished. The beauty of skin moisturizers is to introduce “good liquids” into your skin that can open up pores, rather than the oily liquid that can cause acne. Of all, moisturizing may just be the most important aspect of scalp skin health and should be taken priority for any bald man.
4. Sunscreen and head care
As a bald-headed man, taking care of your newly exposed skin on your head is extremely important and should not be taken lightly. Starting with sunscreen, you should be sure to apply sunscreen to your scalp when you go outdoors in the summer or on vacation. Doctors have said that skin cancer on the scalp can be much more severe and even deadly if not properly cared for.
If you’re fearing you may forget about applying quality SPF products, hats are a great way to protect your head from the sun’s harmful rays, however making sure the hat is not too tight will be important to make sure your scalp skins stay healthy and looking fresh. If your hat is too tight it can lead to the breaking of skin follicles that can even end in physical pain.