We caught up with Russell Bristow to learn more about his love for skateboarding and what it takes to become an award-winning moustache owner.
Can you try to give our readers a bit of a background on yourself, a quick spill about things you are into?
For my day job I am an Arborist, which is great because I love playing with chainsaws and climbing trees. Other than my moustache I’m into skateboarding in a big way. I’ve been skateboarding for about 15 years and am sponsored by my local skate shop – Ride. I also collect tattoos. My best friend Andrew John Smith is a tattoo artist which comes in handy. I’ve actually lost count of how many I have.
Can you try to take us through your daily routine when it comes to moustache care?
In the morning I wash, shampoo and condition it. I then blow dry it and style it with FuzzMuzzle’s Enforcer moustache wax. In the evening I wash and condition it, blow dry it and apply a beard conditioning balm along with a secret magic potion over night. I repeat the routine daily.
Do you have any specific brands that you prefer?
Obviously my sponsor FuzzMuzzle – theirs is the best tash wax around. Others I like include Mr Kings Moustache Wax, Bounders Tash Wax, and Captain Fawcett. For conditioners I like Fine Fettle, Mariner Jack and Sweyn Forkbeard.
Do you trim and maintain your tash on your own, or do you only let your barber handle it? Who is your ‘go to’ guy for trimming and maintenance?
I don’t really have to do much as my daily routine keeps my tash in check but I tidy it up before every competition to get it looking exquisite.
What made you start growing just the moustache and not a full beard?
Well I have to give credit to my brother from another mother Thomas ‘T Bone’ Taylor. He rocked one and I thought it was ace. We have been growing our tashes together ever since and even have our own club ‘The Debonair Moustache Club’ #DMC. I still can’t physically grow a beard but I wouldn’t now anyway – tash for life!
Tell us more about when you started competitions
I only started going to competitions properly only about 6 months to 1 year after I started growing my tash. I went to the British Beard and Moustache Competition 2014 in Bath and was blown away by all the awesome facial hair and actually the loveliest, friendliest bunch of people you could ever wish to meet.
After that I was hooked and started to find out about other regional competitions such as he Wessex Beardsman annual competition in Yeovil, the Devon and Cornwall moustache and beard championship in Plymouth, Oxford Beard Festival, BeardOn in Derby/Nottingham and also Be Beard in the West Midlands.
So for this year I have been to 5 competitions and have 6 planned in total. I have placed 3rd, 1st,1st,1st and 2nd at these and am literally over the moon. Bring on next year!
What’s the best award you have won for your moustache?
All the trophies are awesome. Some handmade and some not. They are made of all different materials – wood, glass, stone – all sorts of amazing trophies and the accompanying prizes usually include products, combs and a firm favourite prize of mine – beer!
What is the one moustache piece of wisdom you would like to share with our readers?
I don’t want to give all of my secrets away so I would say persevere, let if grow and the rest will look after itself.
Lastly, who would you say was your idol in the facial hair community?
Tough one! I would say Jackie Lynn Ellison. Seriously check this guy out her has an absolute whopper of a tash and comes from the USA. Also from the USA is MJ Johnson, Mick Wallace (Chop Master UK), BMG Lee Andrews UK, Johnny King UK, T Bone UK and Allan Robinson all have admirable tashes, beards and chops.
Check out Russell on his social media here –