
    Getting Into An Exercise Routine After A Long Break

    Slipping out of your exercise routine is much easier than you’d think – maybe family commitments come up or you get an injury or illness, or even just that other priorities become more important. Once you miss a few workouts, it becomes a vicious cycle and you’re suddenly out of the loop – but don’t worry.

    With our help, you’ll be able to easily get back into a perfect fitness routine and build yourself back into your old routine.

    Start Simple

    Getting back into your old routine doesn’t mean jumping right back where you were before – in fact, this is more likely to be damaging to you than it is good for you. Start easy and take it slowly – there’s no need to rush into it and building it up gradually will help you and your body ease back into exercise so it doesn’t feel like a strain.

    Starting with something small, even if it’s just five minutes of a brisk walk or jog or a few squats or press-ups, it will give you that good feeling you got from working out before and motivate you to keep trying and pushing forward.

    Get Comfortable

    This is particularly important if you’re coming back to exercise after an injury – you want to make sure you don’t strain anything or overwork yourself, so investing in a few things to help you feel comfier and more at home will help you ease into it and make it a lot less hard.

    We love these Kewlioo sauna vests since they’re great for keeping you comfortable but also for ramping up your weight loss and getting you sweating more, meaning you can still start out slow and still feel the benefits. You should always go with clothes that are comfortable but not restrictive, and bring along some music or podcasts to listen to whilst you exercise. You’ll find the time will go a lot quicker!

    Put It In Your Diary

    We’ve all been in a position where we’ve said: “I’ll do it tomorrow”. It’s so easy to keep putting it off, especially when it’s been a long time and feels daunting. Putting together an exercise schedule and making sure you make specific time for it is a good way to encourage you to feel committed, and less likely to shrug it off. Plan it for a specific time where you know you’re less likely to be distracted – if you’re usually busy in the morning, for example, try later in the day.

    Get A Buddy

    Getting yourself someone to join you with your workout, whether that’s at the gym or a class, is a great idea to make sure you don’t find yourself skipping on your next session or getting demotivated. Having someone else there means you’re less likely to give up or quit, especially if that person is positive and good at motivating you.

    It also means that your time in the gym isn’t just focused on the exercise; it’s a social thing too, where you can spend some time with someone you love, have a bit of fun, and also have someone standing by who knows your background and can support you in your exercise routine.

    Remember Why You’re Doing It

    At the end of the day, exercise is important, and we each have our own reasons for doing it. Maybe you want to be healthier; maybe you want to look good and lose weight; maybe you want to challenge and push yourself. Whatever it is, keep that reason at the forefront of your mind to push yourself when things feel rough, and keep trying and moving, even if it’s just a little bit at a time.

    These five steps will help you regain control and get back into your exercise routine.


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