Our friend Andrew Bartucci recently received some Eucalyptus & Lime Beard Balm from Always Bearded Lifestyle. Read his review on this distinct and unique smelling balm.
Beard oil, so hot right now, beard oil. Zoolander reference aside, the statement is true. Little bottles with cool graphics, gripped by handsome beardsmen now litter our Instagram and Twitter feeds. And honestly, that’s a great thing. To grow an epic beard a beardsman needs to use a proper beard oil – one that’s rich in natural ingredients that promote hair health, shine, moisture, body, etc.
But as I’ve quickly come to realize in doing this review, a good oil is not the only thing needed for a truly epic beard. For this piece I want to change directions and discuss a good oil’s lesser known but equally valuable cousin – beard balm.
More specifically, this review is of Always Bearded’s House Blend Beard Balm: Eucalyptus + Lime with Distilled Pine Scotch Needle.
If you haven’t heard of Always Bearded, you should visit their website or check them out on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. These guys are doing things right. Based out of Toronto and working hard to promote a lifestyle and brotherhood, these guys make great products with the highest quality ingredients.
From their website, Always Bearded suggests that
“Beard balm is the answer to keep your beard under control. Used best after applying the same scented house blend beard oil, this balm will coat the hairs and trap in those conditioning oils.”
After trying the balm for a few weeks I quickly realized that these guys weren’t joking around. Once the oil is applied it’s the balm’s turn to go to work. It almost feels like a wax but is easily workable and creamy as you work it in your hands. As it’s applied to the whole beard the straggler hairs and fly-away curls start to disappear. The beard quickly appears longer, fuller and more unified. There is even a hint of added shine that adds depth and character – without looking wet.
What I really like about this product is its ability to lock in moisture for the whole day. Even at the end of a workout or a night out the beard stays in place and looks just as good as it did in the morning. The balm’s composition and texture also allows you to style the beard and keep it in place, just as you would with a hair paste or pomade for your head. And, it smells really good too. (Disclaimer: don’t use those hair products on your face as they tend to dry out the beard and irritate the skin.)
The balm makes use of several natural ingredients – each adding a benefit to the beard and/or skin. As listed on the packaging and online: argan oil, jojoba oil, apricot kernel oil, grapeseed oil, natural beeswax, cocoa butter, shea butter, plus a proprietary blend of essential oils.
The oils and butters all have a unique function – strengthening, conditioning, repairing, etc. but the hero of the bunch has to be the natural beeswax. This is the ingredient that really pulls its weight on the team. It not only locks in the moisture, it also adds a pliable texture that allows for sensible styling and beard shaping. I really like the inclusion of this ingredient.
So, all in all, this product gets a 5 out of 5… 10 out of 10… 100 gold stars… or whatever metric you want to use.
High-quality, effective, affordable and it’s being made by two proprietors who really ‘get it’ – I strongly recommend you give this balm a shot.
This review is courtesy of –
Andrew Bartucci. Toronto.
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