
    The Best Beard In Norfolk

    We believe that beards should be appreciated all over the world and men should be awarded for their patience and persistence, we introduce you to the BAFTAS.

    Swagger & Jacks, a local barbershop in  Norwich decided to create an alternative BAFTA awards as part of Norwich fashion week. Through their social media, they asked the men of Norwich to send in pictures of their facial fuzz. Their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter saw over 60 entrants to become crowned the best beard –  the winner of this is self employed carpenter and fishing fan, Mr Joe Booty.

    Source - Joe Booty
    Source – Joe Booty

    Joe quotes –

    “It was a surprise to win the Beard BAFTAs as I’ve only just started to get my beard professionally groomed since Christmas when I received a barber voucher as a present,” said Mr Booty. “It has taken me about nine months to grow, and before getting professional trims I would try to cut and shape it at home.”

    The judges were impressed with epic size and shapeof Joes’ beard and said it was one of the best they had ever seen (quite the compliement). As there were so many entrants, some of these men received a runners up prize – congratulations to Jon Moore from Attleborough and Tom Walker from Thetford.

    The Swagger & Jacks BAFTAS are the brainchild of Barber Mark Young, owner of Swagger & Jacks in Norwich, here is why he setup the award –

    “For fashionable gentlemen this year it’s all about the beard so we wanted to celebrate the awesome beards sported by gentlemen in our county. For 2015 the full beard is trendy. To get the right shape that suits each individual and to make sure the hair doesn’t look too unruly it takes a lot of maintenance, which puts paid to those who think that growing a beard is just down to laziness”

    Check out their post in the Norwich Evening News here.


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