If you’re reading this article, chances are you are contemplating growing out your beard. Many men contemplate this, but few are brave enough to do it. For those who do, they end up being very happy with their choice to give in and grow the beard. It may not be easy, but if you make it through the journey it will be worth it. Are you still on the edge? Below are a few reasons why you should take the plunge and join the bearded family.
Something New
Beards are a great way to switch up your appearance and add a freshness to your look. Beards are easy, as well as an inexpensive way to give yourself a brand new makeover. Men can choose from a variety of different styles and ways to grow out their beards. Consult a barber to find out which beard shape will work for your face. If this is the first time you are growing a beard, the short length full beard is recommended.
The Ladies Love a Good Beard
Looks don’t mean everything, but having a beard has been proven to grab the attention of the ladies. Many men report having more success in dating after growing out their beards. The millennial generation has especially been known to appreciate a good beard. If you look at any major fashion line, or trendy gentleman’s website, you will notice that men with beards are pictured more than not.
Beards are Healthy
This may come as a surprise, but there have been health benefits found in growing out your beard. Beards are known to trap allergens and keep them from entering your airway in the same way your nose hair does. This may sound out of the box, but if you suffer from allergies, this may be a helpful solution. You can also get extra protection from the rays of the sun which will lower your chance of skin cancer. This may not be the main reason to grow out your beard, but it is an added benefit.
Show Off Your Masculinity
A beard adds to your look in many different ways, but most of all it adds to your masculinity. Beards have also been known to make men look smarter (according to their women counterparts). Studies have shown that men in the workplace with beards are perceived have more authority and knowledge in their workplace.
So You Want a Beard?
If you are now sold on the idea of growing a beard, now is the time to start! The next time you pick up a razor, think about all of the benefits a beard could add to your life. In order to start your beard make sure you start with a fresh shave. In order to grow your beard faster, many beard experts suggest exercising, raising your vitamin D levels (by taking supplements or getting some sun). Once you have a substantial amount of hair grown, take a trip to your local barber shop to get a nice trim and consultation on next steps for your beard.
Author Bio: Wesley is the owner of iManscape.com. A site for men, beards, and grooming. To see more from him, like this post on getting straight beard hairs, visit his website or like iManscape on Facebook.