
    5 Tips to Travel on a Budget During Summer Time

    Summer is undoubtedly one of the most popular times of the year to travel. The weather is great, so you really can’t go wrong with any destination. The summer is just a carefree time, and with that, people tend to travel a lot. However, that also means that the summer tends to be the most expensive time of the year to travel. Hotels get booked up instantly and don’t even get me started on airfare. But just because the summer is a popular time to travel doesn’t mean you can’t find affordable alternatives if you’re on a budget. There are always cheaper options, you just have to do some research and cut back on certain aspects. Don’t let the popularity of summer vacation deter you from traveling, just follow these 5 tips to travel on a budget during summer time:

    1. Be Flexible

    If you’re traveling on a budget, you need to be flexible with virtually everything. There’s no being picky when you’re trying to save money! This is especially true for airfare, as flights very early or late at night tend to be the cheapest. You may dread waking up at the crack of dawn to catch a flight, but it will be worth it when it saves you a pretty penny. Being flexible will allow you to travel comfortably without breaking the bank.

    2. Look for the Cheapest Flights

    Airfare can seriously add up, so you’ll want to be sure you find the cheapest flights. There are a myriad of sites that scan the Internet and find the cheapest flights for you. For instance, Orlando is an extremely popular destination over the summer so airfare tends to skyrocket. Instead of settling an overpriced flight, use an airfare website to find cheap flights from Orlando, as it will save you a lot of time and money.

    Travel Budget Summer

    3. Bring Your Own Food

    I know, eating out when you’re traveling is one of the best parts- but also one of the most expensive. This doesn’t mean you can’t eat out at all, just not for every meal. Once you land, hit up the nearest grocery store and stock up on breakfast food and snacks. That alone will save you a ton of money. Just make sure to pack a cooler to store your food in during your travels.

    4. Skip the Hotel

    Hotels tend to be extremely overpriced, so skip out on them whenever possible. Instead, find other ways of accommodation. There are tons of vacation rental websites that are usually cheaper than hotels, and you get more space. Or, if you’re really trying to cut back, stay in a hostel. With a hostel, you share a room/bathroom with other people, which isn’t for everyone, but some hostels can be as cheap as $10 a night! Hostels are also a great way to meet people if you’re traveling alone. Hostels are very popular in Europe, so if you’re planning on making a trip out to Barcelona or Paris in the summer, definitely check out a hostel before spending big bucks on a hotel. 

    5. Watch Out for Hidden Fees

    You can plan and budget perfectly for a trip, and still be shocked when you check your bank account. And that’s because of hidden fees. There are hidden fees for pretty much everything, so make sure you do your research and account for that in your budget. Pack light in a compact carry-on suitcase to ensure your luggage isn’t overweight and never eat the food in the minifridge in a hotel room. 

    Everyone should experience the joy of traveling during the summer time, no matter what your budget is! Follow any of these tips to save money and still enjoy a relaxing vacation over summer.


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