
    Dealing with a Second DUI Charge – 5 Things to Do

    If you’re dealing with a second drunk-driving charge, there are quite a few things to know. They will help you prepare for the case, and possibly avoid a jail sentence. Hiring a good lawyer, collecting evidence early, and preparing for stigma are some of the few. Read ahead if you want to know more. 

    Hire a Good Lawyer

    Getting a second or third DUI is a big deal. You could end up going to jail for decades. 

    If you caused property damaged and injured someone, you wouldn’t be dealing with a misdemeanor offense anymore. You will need to hire a criminal lawyer. 

    Remember to take your time and hire a good attorney, as this will affect the outcome of your case. Reputable names like Jeff Mass, criminal lawyer is the way to go.  

    Collect Evidence Early

    Start by collecting evidence for your defense immediately. As mentioned, you could go to jail for quite a while. One of the best defenses is to prove that the breathalyzer that tested you was faulty. Also, you could say that the police officer that arrested you did not have probable cause to search your vehicle. All the evidence that he collected would get dismissed, then. 

    Make a note of everyone that was there at the scene of the crime. Do it before you forget, and don’t be afraid to use sites like Crime stoppers too. If you want Crime Stoppers explained, it’s an anonymous data-base that helps third-parties help users solve crimes. 

    Prepare for Stigma

    Getting a second DUI will be on your permanent record. If any future employers were to search your name, your drunk driving charge would come up. Not only would this affect your chances of getting a job, but your chances of getting visa into other countries too. 

    As you probably are aware, a DUI affects your car insurance rates. It is especially affected after a second or third drunk driving charge. You might even get your vehicle insurance cancelled. Keep this in mind.  

    Get Ready for Probation 

    Even if your lawyer is good and gets rid of the jail sentence, you will still get probation. Usually, it will last 24 months. During this period, you will have to pay an amount to court, as well as go to mandatory classes every week. 

    You will have to go to court regularly and show them that you have been attending these classes. You would get into trouble otherwise. 

    Final Thoughts

    We hope you found the above tips helpful. There are several points to keep in mind when you get a second DUI. From them, the most important would be to hire a good lawyer. This is especially true if you damaged property or injured someone while under the influence. 

    Make sure that you prepare for the stigma too, as a second DUI is permanent. It can affect your chances of getting future jobs, as well as how much you pay for car insurance.


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