
    Ideal Workouts for Cyclists

    Cycling requires proper body endurance. Both the arms and the legs must be strong to grip and accelerate the bike’s motion. The upper body must be strong, too, to prevent fatigue. Strength training is the most effective way of building the body muscles of a cyclist. Regular exercise enhances the body muscle endurance, and thus, protects you from too much fatigue on the road.

    The ideal workouts can also help you become a better cyclist, mainly if you participate in the bike competitions. Here are the most effective exercises for both new and seasoned cyclists.


    Rowing is an incredible workout for both men and women cyclists. It targets the entire body, thus, energizes the cyclist as they get to the road. Unlike many workouts, the cyclist does the rowing exercise while sitting down. 

    How to do it:

    Sit on the sliding seat of the rower. Ensure that you are comfortable and that your knees are bent.  For excellent workout results, you may need to use this unique rower, and get flexible workout attire.  Hold the machine well, and go for as many rounds as possible if you don’t have underlying body issues. Repeat the workout daily, or on a routine basis whenever you feel tired.

    Dumbbell deadlifts

    The dumbbell weightlifting is perfect for cyclists looking forward to having energetic kicks on the pedals. It strengthens the hamstrings, glutes, quads, and the lower back. Weightlifting may also strengthen your chest if you do it repetitively.

    How to do it:

    Stand straight while holding the dumbbells at both hands. Bend at the hips while keeping your chest lifted, eyes looking forward, and the back straight. Lower the dumbbell until your torso is parallel to the ground, while still keeping the weight close to your shins. Return to your initial posture by contracting the glutes and thrusting the hips forward. Repeat the process up to 10 times non-stop within a minute.

    Sides step-up with a leg lift

    Side step-up with a leg lift works similarly to single-leg deadlifts. It helps to perfect strength imbalances between the legs by having each leg support or lift the weight independently. It also works on your side glutes to enhance your stability in the saddle and reduce the knee and back pains associated with side to side rocking.

    How to do it:

    Get a stable stepping box and the dumbbells. While holding the dumbbells, stand beside the stepping box. Place the left leg on top of the box, and then lift the rest of your body. Return to your original position and repeat the process using the right leg. Repeat the process 8 to 10 times for 3 to 5 sets. For effective muscle workout, start with lower weights of up to 40 lbs, and incorporate more load as your muscles adapt to higher weights.

    Single-Leg Bridge

    Single-Leg Bridge works your hip flexor muscles, abdominal muscles, and the glutes. You can, therefore, cycle for longer distances without getting weary.

    How to do it:

    Lie down with your face up with the legs folded close to the buttocks, while resting the arms on the mat. Keep the knees at the same level, and use your glutes and hip muscles to raise one leg towards the ceiling. Ensure that you lift the glutes and the hips enough to create a straight line from the knees to the shoulders. Pause for 3 to 5 seconds and then lower the leg down. Switch the legs and repeat the same process 15 to 25 repetitions for 4 to 6 sets.

    Front squats

    Front squats target the quadriceps, hips, glutes, and hamstrings among other body muscles. The squats provide maximum strength and endurance for long-distance cyclists.

    How to do it:

    Hold the dumbbell weight with both your arms across your chest. Move your upper body down using your knees and the hip muscles, while keeping your back upright and looking straight forward. Lower the dumbbell until your hips are parallel to the knees. Pause for 3 to 4 seconds and then lift it back to the original position. Repeat the process 15 to 30 reps for 2 to 5 sets. For the effective gaining of strength and endurance, it’s advisable to start with lower weights and then incorporate higher weights with time. 

    The above exercises are ideal for all cyclists who want to pursue fitness goals while boosting their performance. You might not do all the same day, but you should try them regularly to keep your muscles flexible. You may also combine more than one workout, provided that you don’t have body problems. For excellent results, work closely with a workout expert, and take a balanced diet.


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