Having a good hair day can really build up anyone’s confidence, but if you are noticing that your hair is starting to thin or fall out, your confidence can take a serious hit, but don’t fret! This is something very common, with 25% of men noticing some form of hair loss in as early as their mid-twenties due to genetics and hormonal changes.
There are many ways to slow down hair loss symptoms, and aid in growing or thickening the areas where there is noticeable thinning, one of them would be PRP hair loss treatment whilst not proven, it has positive reviews and is minimally invasive.
It only takes a few small changes in your daily routine to really see a difference, and help you get your confidence back up and running!
Diet Is Key
If you want to make changes for your body, a great place to start is with what you are putting into it! If you are losing your hair, it could be from a vitamin deficiency and a possible lack of protein in your diet.
Protein is the building block for your hair follicles and without it, your hair follicle roots will suffer, and not produce thicker, healthy hair. Try incorporating black beans, salmon, and peanuts into your diet. They are packed with protein, and also have the added bonus of being a great aid for weight loss. It is a win-win!
Check out other foods high in protein from Eat This, Not That! They share a variety of recipes that include some foods, like grapefruits or mushrooms, that you might not have thought would be great options for a protein-packed meal.
Get Outside
Taking in 2,000 IU of Vitamin D is a great step to add to your morning routine because it helps your hair to restart its growth phase. There are many Vitamin D supplements that you can try, and they are especially recommended during the winter months.
Once the weather is warmer, getting out in the sun is great for your skin, making for a healthier scalp. But, always remember to wear at least SPF 30 when outside in the sun to prevent harmful UV ray damage. The sun can also, improve your mood, and help shake off those winter blues.
Give Yourself a Scalp Massage
Massaging your scalp helps to bring blood circulation to the hair follicles, stimulating hair growth. It increases nourishment and oxygen to the scalp as well and can be easily done at home.
Just add a few drops of lavender essential oils in the palm of your hands to get the added benefits of destressing aromatherapy, and gently massage the crown of your head with your fingertips for three minutes, twice a day if possible. Your head will be left smelling great, and your scalp will be primed for hair growth.
Medicine Is Possible
Talking about hair loss can be a tough topic for those who struggle with it, even if it’s just talking to their doctor. There are other ways to seek treatment for hair loss, with the internet being one of them.
It’s a great resource for finding the right treatment that works best for you. Hims, for example, allows you to talk to online doctors to get Minoxidil, a topical cream that helps to widen the hair follicles, allowing for hair to grow in thicker and longer. They also, ship it right to your home, so you can skip those awkward or embarrassing conversations, and you can avoid those long doctor’s office wait times we all dread.
Hair loss is something that we all hope to never experience, but, if you struggle with hair loss, don’t feel alone. Another company who can treat hair loss online without an embarrassing visit to the doctor is Strut Health, you can have an Online Visit with a doctor without ever leaving your home.
Add these helpful tips to your daily routine to get you back to feeling like yourself again!